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Scholarships for South African studies

Scholarships for South African studies

Type of
Masters and Doctoral                                                                                   
UP postgraduate bursaries are available to students who register for Honours, Masters or Doctoral programmes at the University of Pretoria.

NB: Only Masters & Doctoral students registered by 30 April and Honours students registered by 31 March of each academic year qualify for nomination.

Students who qualify for UP personnel waivers may not hold UP postgraduate bursaries
Further detailed information on nomination and eligibility criteria can be found in the relevant Policy documents on the UP Website.
Information website
Merit awards to Honours students will be made for students who completed their undergraduate degree with 75% in the final year examination.

Equity Funds:
 * Students applying for Honours programmes who are black South African citizens will be considered.
* Students must have achieved at least 65% for in their previous undergraduate final year examination

The Honours merit award for 2016 will be R 5 500.

•  Bursaries will be awarded to students based primarily on the contribution that their study is likely to make to specific areas of research and faculty priorities as determined from time to time.
•  Postgraduate students will be considered for a bursary once they have been admitted for a postgraduate programme, and nominated for the bursary, by the Faculty.
•  UP postgraduate bursaries will not normally be awarded to students who hold other bursaries. If other bursaries are awarded which amount to more than R80 000 (for Masters studies) or
R100 000 (for doctoral studies), the student will forfeit the UP postgraduate bursary award
Study Program                   Value
Masters (research)             R13 000
Masters by coursework       R7 700
Doctoral                            R14 000
Renewal                           R5 500

Information website (Fees and Funding  – Postgraduate funding -  UP Postgrad Scholarship Policies and Agreements)

Type of  scholarship
Applications open
Mid-Nov to late Nov of each year
Requests submitted via the office of the Deputy Dean of Research in the Faculty
Applications close
•  New applications:  Check your Faculty closing date for 2016 intake -  Faculty to submit to DRIS by 31 January 2016
•  Renewals: Check your Faculty closing date for 2016 intake  -  Faculty to submit by mid-January 2016 to DRIS 
•  PhD’s who register for full-time studies (not employed for more than 12 hrs a week)
•  What contribution is the study likely to make to strategic areas of research for the Faculty
  •  Financial need – must demonstrate you have applied for other funding
Fields of study supported
Any academic field
Value of scholarship
R75 000 p.a.
R37 000  if candidate registers during 2nd semester of the academic year at first registration
Period of support
3 years (The bursary amount as indicated above is awarded during the first year of study. A bursary for the second and third years of study may be awarded provided the Bursary Panel approves such an award.)
Information website
Guidelines regarding the conditions and administrative procedures can be found on the UP website   See Fees and Funding – External Bursaries)
Contact information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
1 August of the year preceding studies
Applications close
30 September of the year preceding studies
•  A limited number of bursaries, with specific criteria, are made available annually from funds that were donated and placed under the management of the University of Pretoria. The bursaries are available to undergraduate and postgraduate students who register for full-time studies and who are financially needy and/or academically deserving, and who meet the specific criteria of the bursary. Students who are South African citizens or hold permanent residency in South Africa may be considered for these bursaries.
•  Other bursaries/loans received by the applicant will be taken into consideration to determine financial need where applicable.
•  It is advisable that students who are financially needy should also apply for NSFAS funding and not only for UP support bursaries, which are limited. Both funding applications are done on the same online application system.
•  Special motivation or proof of meeting the criteria for some of the UP support bursaries has to be submitted as part of the application on the University’s online funding application system. These supporting documents will be indicated to you on the application system.
•  University support bursaries are not guaranteed and are subject to the availability of funds.
•  Also for students with special needs and disabilities.
Fields of study
Per specific criteria
Value of bursary
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, relevant documents)
Contact information
UP Client Service Centre
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 3111

Type of scholarship
Applications open
Mid-February of the year preceding study
Applications close
20 August of the year preceding study
•  Citizens of the Commonwealth countries may apply.  South African citizens are not eligible.
•  The scholarship is tenable at the University of Pretoria.
•  Applicants must have completed a degree that will give them admission to a doctoral programme a maximum of three years prior to their application for this scholarship.
•  Applicants must not be older than 35 years of age at the time of application. 
•  Master’s and PhD students currently registered at the University of Pretoria are NOT eligible to apply.
Fields of study supported
Any academic field
Value of scholarship
R150 000 p.a.
Period of support
3 years
How to apply
Information on:  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Contact information
Leanne van Zyl
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6639

Type of scholarship
Engineering Honours (followed by Masters) Degree in Asset Integrity Management –
2 year fulltime programme.
Applications open
June of the year preceding study year
Applications close
31 October of the year preceding study
  • South African and non-South African citizens
  • Students that have completed under-graduate degree in any engineering discipline
  • Students that have achieved outstanding results in their undergraduate studies
  • Students that wishes to specialise in asset integrity management
  • Students will enrol full time for two years of study (Honours 1st year, followed by Masters in 2nd year) and be full-time based on the campus of the University
Fields of study  supported
The scholarship is offered by the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering in the EBIT faculty.  It is for study in engineering in asset integrity management which can include areas such as asset design, data acquisition, condition monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics and asset life cycle management
Value of scholarship
R 85 000 p.a. Honours  and a further R85 000 p.a. for the Master’s degree support for the 2nd year is dependent on satisfactory progress.
Period of support
2 years
Application enquiries
Professor Stephan Heyns, Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering.
Tel + 27 12 420 2432, E mail:

NRF/DST Innovation scholarships for full-time Master’s and Doctoral study in South Africa
Type of Scholarship
Applications open
22 June 2015
Applications close
7 August 2015
•  South African citizens, South African permanent residents as well as a percentage of non-RSA citizens registered at a RSA institution may apply.
•  The awarding of the scholarship will be based on past, current and potential academic performance. The selection criteria will include academic merit, promise of research ability, leadership qualities and previous awards, various prizes and honours.
•  In addition to the above, the award of the scholarship will be based on the feasibility and merit of the applicant’s research project proposal.
•  Scholarship-holders must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
•  South African citizens, South African as well as a percentage of non-RSA citizens registered at a RSA institution permanent
•  The awarding of the scholarship will be based on past, current and potential academic performance. The selection criteria will include academic merit, promise of research ability, leadership qualities and previous awards, various prizes and honours.
•  In addition to the above, the award of the scholarship will be based on the feasibility and merit of the applicant’s research project proposal.
•  Scholarship-holders must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study supported
Biotechnology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Astronomy, Mathematical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities.
Biotechnology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Astronomy, Mathematical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Medical Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities.
Value of scholarship
R80 000 p.a.
R110 000 p.a.
Travel grant
Maximum R10 000 for the tenure of the scholarship
Maximum R15 000 (local travel) up to R50 000 (international travel) for the tenure of the scholarship
Period of support
2 years
3 years
How to apply
Information on  Fees and Funding  (See at External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
Leanne van Zyl              
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6639                                   
Mpai Mphunngoa
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of Scholarship
Applications open
22 June 2015
Applications close
7 August 2015
•  South African citizens
•  The awarding of the scholarship will be based on past, current and potential academic performance. The selection criteria will include academic merit, promise of research ability, leadership qualities and previous awards, various prizes and honours.
•  In addition to the above, the award of the scholarship will be based on the feasibility and merit of the applicant’s research project proposal.
•  Scholarship-holders must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
•  South African citizens.
•  The awarding of the scholarship will be based on past, current and potential academic performance. The selection criteria will include academic merit, promise of research ability, leadership qualities and previous awards, various prizes and honours.
•  In addition to the above, the award of the scholarship will be based on the feasibility and merit of the applicant’s research project proposal.
•  Scholarship-holders must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study supported
Financial Management, Accounting, Auditing, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Biotechnology, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Geology, Computer Science, Information Systems, Chemistry, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences, Transportation Studies, Tourisim Demography
Value of scholarship
R70 000 p.a.
R100 000 p.a.
Travel grant
Maximum R15 000 for the tenure of the scholarship
Maximum R15 000 (local travel) up to R50000 (international travel) for the tenure of the scholarship
Period of support
2 years
3 years
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
Leanne van Zyl               
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6639
Mpai Mphunngoa
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of  fellowship
Applications open
July of the year preceding study year
Applications close
August 2015
•  Only South African citizens may apply although a few international fellowships may be earmarked for studying at South African institutions from time to time taking into consideration Science, Engineering ad Technology (SET) targets.
•  Exceptional doctoral graduates who have obtained their doctoral degrees in the last five years and who wish to undertake postdoctoral research training.
•  Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, taking the applicant’s academic achievements and potential as researchers into account. Publications weigh heavily in the assessment of applications.
•  Fellowships will preferably be tenable at institutions other than the one where the doctoral degree was obtained. Applicants who wish to undertake postdoctoral research with their PhD institution or supervisor must submit a strong motivation.
Fields of study supported
Biotechnology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Astronomy,
Mathematical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Ecology and Medical Sciences.
Value of fellowship
R305 000 p.a.
R255 000 p.a. (included in the above towards living expenses, R50 00 towards research costs
Travel grant
Maximum R50 000 once-off grant to undertake international travel and R25 000 for local travel during the tenure of the fellowship.
Period of support
2 years
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
Dr Carol Nonkwelo                       

Type of  fellowship
Applications open
July the year preceding study year
Applications close
August 2015
•  Only South African citizens or permanent residents.
•  Exceptional doctoral graduates who have obtained their doctoral degrees in the last five years and who wish to undertake postdoctoral research training.
•  Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, taking the applicant’s academic achievements and potential as researchers into account. Publications weigh heavily in the assessment of applications.
•  Fellowships will preferably be tenable at institutions other than the one where the doctoral degree was obtained. Applicants who wish to undertake postdoctoral research with their PhD institution or supervisor must submit a strong motivation.
Fields of study supported
Financial Management, Accounting, Auditing, Statistics, Actuarial Science, Biotechnology, Mathematical Sciences, Physics, Geology, Computer Science, Information Systems, Chemistry, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences, Transportation Studies, Tourism, Demography
Value of fellowship
R330 000 p.a.
R220 000 p.a. (included in the above towards living expenses, R45 00 towards research costs
Travel grant
Maximum R50 000 once-off grant to undertake international travel and R15 000 for local travel during the tenure of the fellowship.
Period of support
2 years
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
Dr Carol Nonkwelo                        

Type of scholarship
Applications open
22 June 2015
Applications close
7 August 2015
•  South African citizens and South African permanent residents may apply.
•  The awarding of the scholarship will be based on past, current and potential academic performance. The selection criteria will include academic merit, promise of research ability, leadership qualities and previous awards, various prizes and honours.
•  In addition to the above, the award of the scholarship will be based on the feasibility and merit of the applicant’s research project proposal.
•  Scholarship-holders must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study Supported
Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), Social Sciences, Humanities.
Value of scholarship
R60 000 p.a.  (Doctoral)
Doctoral scholarships abroad US$ 12 000 p.a.
Travel grant
Maximum R5 000 for the tenure of the scholarship
Period of support
3 years
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
Leanne van Zyl               
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6639     
Mpai Mphunngoa
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of fellowship
Applications open
July preceding study year
Applications close
August / September 2015
•  Only South African citizens and permanent residents for full-time research in South Africa or abroad.
•  Only outstanding international candidates will be considered for full-time research in South Africa.
•  Exceptional doctoral graduates who have obtained their doctoral degrees in the last five years and who wish to undertake postdoctoral research training.
•  Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis, taking the applicant’s academic achievements and potential as researchers into account. Publications weigh heavily in the assessment of applications.
•  Fellowships will preferably be tenable at institutions other than the one where the doctoral degree was obtained. Applicants who wish to undertake postdoctoral research with their PhD institution or supervisor must submit a strong motivation.
Fields of study supported
Social and Human Sciences, Natural and Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology.
Value of fellowship
Stipend R150 000 p.a.Institutional Contribution:  R15 000 p.a.
Travel grant
Maximum R45 000 once-off grant to undertake international travel and R15 000 for local travel during the tenure of the fellowship
Period of support
3 years
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
Dr Carol Nonkwelo         
Type of scholarship
Applications open
TBA for 2016
Applications close
TBA for 2016
•  South African citizens and South African permanent residents may apply.
•  Applicants must have obtained an accumulative grade average of 65% and above to be considered.
•  An age limit of 36 years at the time of application  applies.
•  Applicants must come from all the fields of study  that have a strong relevance to the national development of the country. 
•  Scholarship-holders must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
•  South African citizens and South African permanent residents may apply.
•  Applicants must have obtained an accumulative grade average of 65% and above to be considered.
•  An age limit of 36 years at the time of application applies.
•  Applicants must come from all the fields of study that have a strong relevance to the national development of the country.
•  Scholarship-holders must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study  supported
Natural Sciences, Mathematics, ICT, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Applied Social Sciences. Humanities and Fine Arts are excluded.
Natural Sciences, Mathematics, ICT, Engineering, Agricultural Sciences and Applied Social Sciences. Humanities and Fine Arts are excluded.
Value of scholarship
R70 000 p.a.
R100 000 p.a.
Short-Term research scholarships
Scholarship-holder may apply for a short-term research fellowship (duration 2-6 months) in Germany.
Scholarship-holder may apply for a short-term research fellowship (duration 2-6 months) in Germany.
Period of support
2 years
3 years
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
Leanne van Zyl               
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6639 
Mpai Mphunngoa
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of scholarship
Applications open
1 July 2015
Applications close
25 September 2015
  • South African citizens only.
  • Students who have achieved a minimum of 60% for major subjects at undergraduate level.
  • Students who wish to study towards a Bachelor of Science/Engineering honours degree at a South African university, and who majored in Physics and Mathematics at undergraduate level.
  • Other selection criteria include leadership qualities and previous award of prizes and honours.
  • Students who intend to pursue postgraduate research in radio astronomy, or in an engineering discipline relevant to radio astronomy.
  • Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study supported
  • BEng Hons Electronic or Mechanical Engineering  or Computer Science
  • BSc Physics and Mathematics
Value of scholarship
R95 000 p.a.
Period of support
1 year
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
See for further information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
1 July 2015
Applications close
31 August 2015
  • South African citizens and South African permanent residents may apply.
  • Non-South Africans from other countries in Africa who wish to complete an MSc degree at a South African university may apply.
  • Non-South Africans who wish to complete an MSc degree at a university in a South Africa Square Kilometre Array (SKA) partner country (Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia) may apply.
  • Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
  • South African citizens and South African permanent residents may apply.
  • Non-South Africans from other countries in Africa who wish to complete a PhD degree at a South African university may apply.
  • Non-South Africans who wish to complete a PhD  degree at a university in an South Africa Square Kilometre Array (SKA) partner country (Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia and Zambia)
  • Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study supported
The research focus for this scholarship must align very closely with specific research areas of MeerKAT and SKA science and technology where research is required: Refer to for a list of projects.
The research focus for this scholarship must align very closely with specific research areas of MeerKAT and SKA science and technology where research is required: Refer to for a list of projects.
Value of scholarship
R92 000 p.a.
R117 000 p.a.
Travel, equipment, Repatriation and Medical grants
As per the 2016 structure
See UP website advert for details or 
As per the 2016 structure
See UP website advert for details or  or

Period of support
2 years
3 years
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
See for further information

Type of fellowship
Applications open
June to 31 September the year preceding study year
Applications close
Contact the Postgraduate Desk in the CSC for the internal closing date.
Fellowships are available to candidates whose research projects align very closely with specific areas of MeerKAT and SKA science and technology. Information on universities and projects is made available on the NRF website
Value of fellowship
R325 000 p.a.
Travel and equipment grants
Based on application
Period of support
2 years
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
See for further information

Types of block grants
Application process
Honour students who are registered by mid-February of each academic year will be considered through a nomination process
  • Available to South African citizens only.
  • Awarded on a competitive basis.
  • Equity and gender allocations are stipulated by NRF for each intake.
  • An aggregate of  60% for the final year of the undergraduate subject(s) they are pursuing for honours.
  • Nominees must have obtained previous degree in the minimum prescribed period. (if an additional year taken to complete – a motivation to be attached stating the reason)
  • Students who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible.
  • If not continuing to a Masters upon completion of Hons, nominee will be required to work in RSA for at least one year after completion of Hons degree.
  • Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
  • 87% will be awarded to South African citizens and with permanent residents status.
  • 13% to Foreign nationals.
  • Awarded on a competitive basis.
  • Equity and gender allocations are stipulated by NRF for each intake
  • An aggregate of  60% for the final year of the undergraduate subject(s) they are pursuing for honours.
  • Nominees must have obtained previous degree in the minimum prescribed period. (if an additional year taken to complete – a motivation to be attached stating the reason)
  • Students who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible.
  • If not continuing to a Masters upon completion of Hons, nominee will be required to work in RSA for at least one year after completion of Hons degree.
  • Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study supported
Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), Natural and Applied Sciences, Social and Human Sciences.
Biotechnology, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, Astronomy, Mathematical Sciences, Nanotechnology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Ecology, Medical Sciences.
Value of scholarship
R20 000 p.a.
R40 000 p.a.
Period of support
1 year
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Contact information

Mpai Mphunngoa
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of scholarship
Scarce Skills
Application process
Honour students who are registered by mid-February of each academic year will be considered through a nomination process
• Available to South African citizens only.
•  Awarded on a competitive basis.
•  Equity and gender allocations are stipulated by NRF for each intake
•  An aggregate of  60% for the final year of the undergraduate subject(s) they are pursuing for honours.
•  Nominees must have obtained previous degree in the minimum prescribed period. (if an additional year taken to complete – a motivation to be attached stating the reason)
•  Students who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible.
•   If not continuing to a Masters upon completion of Hons, nominee will be required to work in RSA for at least one year after completion of Hons degree.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study supported
Accounting, Actuarial Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Auditing, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Demography, Engineering, Financial Management, Geology, Information Systems, mathematical Sciences, Physics, Statistics, Tourism, Transportation Studies.
Value of scholarship
R50 000 p.a.
Period of support
1 year
How to apply
nformation on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Contact information
Mpai Mphunngoa
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of scholarship
Application process
Master students who are registered by mid-February of each academic year will be considered through a nomination process.  Maximum of 10 students are put through for nomination.
Closing Date

•  South African citizens and permanent residents only.
•  Limited number of award granted to Institution by NRF.
•  80% of grant allocated to black students,  55% to female and 4% to students with disabilities.
•  The awarding of the scholarship will be based on past, current and potential academic performance. The selection criteria will include academic merit, promise of research ability, leadership qualities and previous awards, various prizes and honours.
•  In addition to the above, the award of the scholarship will be based on the feasibility and merit of the applicant’s research project proposal.
•  Scholarship-holders must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Fields of study supported
Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), Social Sciences, Humanities.
Value of scholarship
R40 000 p.a.
Travel grant
Maximum R5 000 for the tenure of the scholarship
Period of support
2 years
How to apply
No application – Nomination process
Contact information
Mpai Mphunngoa
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of scholarship
Applications open
23 June 2015
Applications close
7 August 2015
• Only current NRF awardees who will not complete their Masters or Doctoral in the original contract period granted by NRF.
• All rules and criteria of original signed agreement with NRF stays the same.
Fields of study supported
As per the original contract accepted by current NRF awardee
Value of scholarship
Masters R70 000 pa
Doctoral R100 000 pa
Or pro-rata of the extension months requested to complete the Masters or Doctoral degree.
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application 
Contact information
Leanne van Zyl                           
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6639            
 Mpai Mphunngoa   
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of scholarship
Applications open
TBA for 2016
Applications close
Contact the Postgraduate Desk in the CSC for the internal closing date.
•  South African citizens only.
•  Must have obtained previous degree in the minimum prescribed period. (if an additional year taken to complete – a motivation to be attached stating the reason
•  Applicants who already hold a qualification at this level are not eligible to apply.
•  Applicants must not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the award.
• Applicants  with disabilities are encouraged to apply
Fields of study supported
•  Labour markets economics
•  Human capital or education economics
•  Information management or systems
Value of scholarship
Honours R60 000 pa
Masters R100 000 pa
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Online application /s:/
Contact information
Leanne van Zyl                                
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6639           
Mpai Mphunngoa
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6850

Type of scholarship
Applications open
1 May 2015 for 2016 intake.  (Determined by the donor on an annual basis in the preceding year of attended studies)
Application process
Online application at
Applications close
15 June 2015 for 2016 intake
•  Open to citizens of all African countries currently registered at the University of Pretoria
•  Honours and master’s study at a South African university or tertiary institution.
•  Applicants between 19 and 30 years of age may apply.
•  Individuals with the ability to be a destiny changer.
•  Individuals that reflect in their character a commitment to the four principles of education, reconciliation, leadership and social entrepreneurship.
Fields of study supported
Honours and master’s degree study programmes
Value of scholarship
Full cost of study (tuition, accommodation, meals, book and travel allowances)
Period of support
The length of the proposed study period
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
For non-registered UP students:
Contact information
Leanne van Zyl                 
Tel: +27 (0)12 420 6639                                              

Type of scholarship
Applications open
1 June 2015
Applications close
27 July 2015 (15h00)
•  Applicants must be nationals of have refugee status in one of the following countries: Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia or Zimbabwe.
•  Applicants must be registered or wish to study at a South African university.
•  Applicants must be in possession of a good first degree, with minimum grade of 2:1 or upper second.
•  Applicants who study Full time, Part Time or Distance learning can apply
Fields of study supported
Applicants in the following fields will only be considered:
•  Justice – in one of the following disciplines and demonstrate a commitment to social justice (Law, Economics, Politics, Environment)
•  Education – subjects in Education Policy and Practice
•  Humanities – Arts, Literature, History and Anthropology
Please apply only if you are eligible
Value of scholarship
Full tuition and a stipend   (±R65 000.00 p.a.)
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Contact information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
1 May 2015
Applications close
30 August 2015
Application process
Online application form and two recommendation forms by a professor from the current institution. The other can be by a former professor/supervisor from elsewhere. One of the individuals must have known the applicant for at least a year.
•  Female students from developing countries who are currently studying in South Africa at the University of Pretoria, University of Cape Town, University of Stellenbosch or University of the Witwatersrand.
•  Has a record of service to women and a commitment to improve the lives of women and/or children in her country or other developing country.
•  Is a national of a lower or middle income developing member country, as designated by the MMMF. Go to for country eligibility list.
•  Demonstrates financial need and satisfactory academic performance.
•  Applicant must be at least 25 years old by the application deadline.
•  Is not related to any World Bank Group staff member or his/her spouse.
Fields of study supported
Any academic field
Value of scholarship
US$4 000
Period of support
For completion of the degree
How to apply
Online application form available on
Contact information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
Determined by the PSA annually
Applications close
Early February of each academic year
•  Public servants and/or PSA members and their dependant children, who have been employed in the Public Service or have been a PSA member for at least 12 months.
•  Proof of membership of the PSA is required with the application form.
Fields of study supported
•  Natural Science or Medicine
•  For research on Natural Sciences or Medicine after successful completion of the first study year course or research project.
Value of scholarship
Determined annually according to available funds
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Contact information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
1 June 2015
Applications close
27 July 2015  (15h00)
•  Female
•  Nationals or refugee status from Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe
•  In possession of a good first degree
•  Registered to study or wish to study at a South African University
•  If you are offered a scholarship and you fail to get place on a course at an University in South Africa, the offer will be withdrawn.
Fields of study supported
Degrees that are relevant to the development needs of Southern Africa
Applicants in the following fields will only be considered:
•  Justice – in one of the following disciplines and demonstrate a commitment to social justice (Law, Economics, Politics, Environment)
•  Education – subjects in Education Policy and Practice
•  Humanities – Arts, Literature, History and Anthropology
Please apply only if you are eligible
Value of scholarship
Full tuition and a stipend  (±R65 000.00 p.a.) 
How to apply
Online application form can be found on the Canon Collins Trust website
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Contact information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
September and October of the year preceding studies
Applications close
End October of the year preceding studies
•  South African citizens
•  Full Time students
Fields of study supported
The Meat Industry Trust (MIT) makes available funds annually for bursaries to meritorious students for post graduate studies at South African tertiary institution in fields of importance to the Red Meat Industry. The purpose of the bursary scheme is to create further South African scientific capacity and to address industry research needs.  The MIT administers the scheme via its Bursary Working Committee (BWC), who will liaise closely with the tertiary institution and the relevant Head of Department and / or Supervisor under whose guidance the student will conduct the post graduate study (Masters or Doctorate).
Value of scholarship
How to apply
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Contact information
Type of scholarship
Applications open
July of the year preceding studies
Applications close
15 July 2015
•  South African citizens
•  Full Time students
Fields of study supported
Research and innovation projects deemed relevant to the food and beverage manufacturing industry.
Value of scholarship
R50 000.00
How to apply
Contact information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
To be determined by the donor annually.
Applications close
To be determined by the donor annually.
•  Applicants must be resident citizens in a Southern African Development Community (SADC) country.
•  Applicants must be historically disadvantaged.
Fields of study supported
•  Education  (preschool and Foundation Phase)
•  Nursing (paediatric or community based)
•  Social Work (paediatric)
•  Medicine (paediatric)
•  Agriculture (rural development)
Value of scholarship
How to apply
Downloadable application form on
Contact information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
Mid-Aug 2015 for 2016   (Determined by the donor annually)
Applications close
16 October 2015 
•  Students from African countries, excluding South Africans. However, a limited number of South African students may be considered under exceptional circumstances.
•  The scholarship is tenable only at South African universities.
Selection criteria
•  Availability of funds
•  Applicant’s performance gleaned from academic record and motivated by research supervisor
•  Relevance of research project in which a student will be involved (must be laser-based research)
•  Acceptance of student by the university (letter of acceptance from the university will help)
Fields of study supported
Laser-related disciplines
Value of scholarship
R40  000 for Master’s and R60 000 for doctoral
How to apply
Application form available on
Tel:  +27  12  841 4960
Contact information

Type of scholarship
Applications open
Determined by the donor on an annual basis.
Applications close
30 September of the year preceding studies
•  Applicants must be South African citizens.
•  Applicants must intend to study or pursue postgraduate studies.  .
Fields of study supported
Different agriculture, forestry and fisheries fields linked to the DAFF priority research projects.
Value of scholarship
Full study-related costs
Period of support
The length of the proposed study period
How to apply
Downloadable application form (click Food Security and Agrarian Reform Branch, then Education Training and Extension, then Careers)
Contact Information
Ms Tshilidzi Netshilema
Tel: +27 (0)12 319 7848
Mr Kaizer Ndlovu
Tel: +27 (0)12 319 7358

Type of scholarship
Applications open
Determined by the donor on annual basis
Applications close
Determined by the donor on annual basis
Important information
This closing date applies for the National Health Scholars Programme in HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Research.
The MRC has conducted a review of its portfolio of bursaries and scholarships.  Contact the indicated officials for detailed information.
•  South African health professionals.
•  For research to be conducted in the fields of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis in South Africa or abroad
•  For a period ranging from one to four years full-time study
Fields of study supported
Field in Health Sciences – HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Research
Value of scholarship
Level of funding will be equivalent to the after tax take home pay of the applicant based on the salary scales of the relevant post in the Department of Health.
Period of support
1 – 4 years
How to apply
Applications forms are downloadable from the MRC website:
Contact information
Dr Thabi Maitin                                       
Dr M Mutemwa
Ms Philistia  Joshua

Type of scholarship
Applications open
Determined by the donor on an annual basis.
Applications close
Early October of the year preceding studies
•  Only South African citizens.
•  Available to postgraduate students pursuing or intending to register for doctoral studies at a local university.
•  Minimum requirement of a master’s degree passed with distinction or 75% average.
•  Preference will be given to economically deprived applicants. 
•  Applicants must demonstrate leadership qualities.
Fields of study supported
Any academic field
Value of scholarship
R100 000 p.a.
Period of support
2 years
How to apply
Hard copy application  to be submitted by post to The Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation,
P O Box 1910, Halfway House, 1685
Information on  (link – Postgraduate funding, External Bursary page)
Contact information
Type of scholarship
Applications open
01 May 2015
Applications close
15 September 2015
This Program targets academically qualified, yet economically disadvantaged, young people in South Africa, SADC and the rest of Africa who will contribute to the transformation of the continent. Community service is a necessary component of the Program with all students engaging in giving back to the community from which they come.
Fields of study supported
Master’s Programme in:
School of Engineering
•  MEng (Chemical Engineering)
•  MEng (Civil Engineering)
•  MEng (Computer Engineering)
•  MEng (Electrical Engineering)
•  MEng (Electronic Engineering)
•  MEng (Industrial Engineering)
•  MEng (Mechanical Engineering)
•  MEng (Mining Engineering)
•  MEng (Metallurgical Engineering)
Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences
•  MCom (Accounting Science)
•  MCom (Financial Science)
•  MCom (Economics)
•  MCom (Informatics)
•  MCom (Business Management)
Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
•  MSc (Agric) Food Science and Technology
•  MSc (Agric) Agricultural Economics
•  MSc (Agric) Animal Science
•  MSc (Agric) Plant Pathology
•  MSc (Agric) Soil Sciences
Honours candidates in the above listed programme will be considered if they are prepared to commit to also doing their Masters
Value of scholarship
•  Full tuition fees
•  Accommodation in a UP residence
•  Meals
•  Books & printing materials
•  A modest monthly stipend
•  Medical aid (Ingwe only)
•  Travel costs (one return trip for the duration of the study period)
•  Visa costs – International students
The Scholars Program is for first time applicants into postgraduate studies.
Travel grant
Travel costs (one return trip for the duration of the study period)
Period of support
For the mini mum period of your degree programme
How to apply
Application for the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program can only be submitted after a candidate has been provisionally admitted to a study programme in the field of study that Master Card sponsors at the University of Pretoria. Application form and requirements can be downloaded on the website and see External Bursary page.
Contact information