Top PC Games of 2021 - Entertainment Gala -->


Top PC Games of 2021

Whilst 2021 may not have been everyone’s favourite year it’s been a top year for PC games. There’s been a few delays but overall, some absolute all-time great games have been released, taking PC gaming to the next level. 

From console games getting an extra layer of shine to brand new releases that show that PC gaming is going from strength to strength,2021 has been a great year for our beloved boxes. So let’s take a journey back through 2021 and look at some of the top PC games released this year.

Top FPS Games 2021

Halo Infinite

A new Halo game is always an event and with Halo Infinite 343 Industries has struck gold. With a multiplayer mode that’s proving a hit and a campaign that neatly follows on from seeds of story laid down in Halo 4 and 5, Halo Infinite’s definitely one of the top FPS games of 2021.